Südtiroler Landtag


The tasks of the Office of the Ombudsman are essentially the investigation of complaints, the provision of information, advice, and mediation in conflicts between citizens and the public administration..

Investigation of Complaints

Suppose that you feel unfairly treated by a government agency. Your proceedings are being delayed. Your rights are not being respected, and your legal options have been exhausted. We will examine your complaint, seek a solution, and determine if the agency's actions were legal and appropriate.
We will ensure that the administrative action or proceedings of the public administration are properly enacted and/or acted upon in a timely manner.

Information and Advice

Suppose you feel unsure of a matter involving municipal governments or the Provincial Government and need more information or advice about how to deal with the authorities. You don't know if and how to raise objections to an administrative act. We will discuss the matter with you and provide you with advice on how to proceed.

A Mediator between Citizens and Administration

Suppose that you feel that you're being given the run-around by a public agency, that you ought to be able to obtain a more-favorable decision. But talks with the mayor or a civil servant are frosty. The Office of the Ombudsman can obtain verbal and written statements of position from the agencies. It can mediate and attempt to find a solution to the conflict.

Forwarding Your Suggestions

Suppose that you think that public agencies could perform their duties more efficiently and would like to make concrete suggestions. You might feel that certain regulations should be changed or repealed, but unfortunately, no one listens to you. The Ombudsman can pass on these suggestions to the public agencies or the South Tyrolean Parliament.

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